
Sunday, November 14, 2010

signs of fall

My lovely girl painted this yesterday.  She was so proud of mixing the colors herself, starting with just red, blue, yellow and brown.  The smock was mine, made by my wonderful and so-talented Mom-mom.

I kept thinking we'd get out to a park or somewhere to get really beautiful fall colors photos this week.  It just didn't happen.  But these of our house and our gorgeous poplars in their yellow glory do the season proud.   If you look closely though, to the left of the front door all my white petunias are still (still!) in bloom. It's November, for pete's sake! I never even bought any mums this fall since they keep blooming and blooming. 

Below was my humorous find when I went outside to take the above photos.  Smiling for the camera from the bay window were Pippa the cat, and one of our hobby-horses, which had been left there to supervise the neighborhood by my little guy. Love it!

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