
Sunday, February 10, 2013

in the news lately

Literally! My girlie and her brownie troop took a fun tour of one of our local news stations, ABC2 news. They had so much fun quietly watching as the anchorwoman and weatherman broadcast the 6 o'clock news, seeing the control room and the news room. 

But the best part was after the news, when they were able to sit at the news desk, and to play in front of the green screen that is used to broadcast the weather. Putting green t-shirts on made them into "floating heads" as they literally became part of the weather map. By the end, I think most of the girls were envisioning careers in television news!

Tagalong brother, of course, was most interested in how all the equipment worked.

The station employees were so kind and gracious! Special thanks to Cheryl Conner, the aunt of one of our brownies, who is a station reporter, and who conducted this fabulous tour for us!

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