My Wednesday morning women's Bible study group has been going through the Beth Moore study,
The Patriarchs this semester. This morning's video session (session 8) really grabbed my heart and has not let go. I thought I'd put some of the highlights here, along with some of my ponderings.
"Throughout Biblical history, God has strategically sought to place His representatives in positions of...influence." Beth may have been talking about politics, the business world, etc. but moms, this is for US! God had put us in our position. He has given us these children...sometimes adorable, sometimes messy, sometimes loud, sometimes cute, sometimes obnoxious...but always LOVED! He has put us in an amazing position of influence to raise them to follow Him and to meet all their growing potential. I am humbled and awed by this seems overwhelming, doesn't it?
But Beth also reassured us that we are capable of doing more than our
own abilities will allow...when we are allowing God to work through us. She reminded me that God is giving us his Spirit to be with us...the same Spirit who hovered over the waters at Creation, who brought order out of chaos...this Spirit also is with us to make order out of
our chaos too. He helps strengthen us, give us endurance, and all of the "fruit" of the Spirit, come, of course from Him, too: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. God also gives us discernment and wisdom, which I need so much. His word and His Spirit provide me with help again and again when it comes to training, disciplining, and teaching my children. I have a partner in my daily work of mothering my kids: God. I don't think I could ask for a better partner! But He waits for me to ask for His help. I must remember to keep asking!
Lastly, I want to leave you with this challenge. Beth asked, "Do you live your life waiting for the work day to be over?" Whether your work is parenting at home, or working in an office, tele-commuting, home-making, being a student, whatever it is you work at, ask yourself this question. I personally work mostly at home, parenting my kids and making my home, but also spend some time in an office each week. This question hits hard. I am often impatient...for the day to be over, for Daddy to come home to "relieve" me, for bed-times to be here. I am challenged to be more present in the work I have to do.
John 15:8 tells us that God is glorified when we bear much fruit. He wants us to be productive at our work. I am challenged this week to work, as Beth put it, "with excellence, enthusiasm, and a whole lot of Spirit!" Will you join me?